V.J. Chalupa

On Post-Modern Politics


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The Movement's ideology and the direction in which it pushes mankind are to be judged against the background of reality.




The so-called population explosion is not an abnormal or unnatural occurrence; on the contrary, it is the result of natural processes of cosmic dimensions which resulted in the emergence of life. (See Chapter 17, sections on life and mind.) Each living being is a whirlpool in the fabric of reality, a whirlpool which adjusts to its environment and at the same time affects the environment and assimilates anything compatible with and suitable for its growth; when it achieves a certain dimension, the whirlpool breaks up into smaller ones which continue the original pattern while their parent(s) might break up and dissolve.




In the human species, this process of perpetuating life, i.e., the reproductive process does not consist in division or budding of an individual, it consists in merging of two specialized cells and their bearers (the male and the female). It is effected  by the male organ which places the fertilizing cells prompting life directly into the body of the woman to protect the new member of the human race since the moment of its conception.


Man, equipped with qualities enabling life to overcome its confinement, is the latest outcome of nature's project. In the human species, development shifted from the corporeal to the spiritual plateau. To continue the path of this triumph and to expand it is in harmony with the direction of nature's development, in harmony with life's evident meaning.


Application of Elitist Ideology


Seen from this perspective, the ideology of elitism and most of its derived applications are wrong.


The program of biological materialism and especially the program of blocking human reproduction is anti-nature and contrary to the meaning of the cosmos. It is unthinkable that the life force would erupt in such an abundance only in order to have a carefully regulated number of carefully bred humans live in the midst of carefully maintained "wilderness" spending their time in a careful effort to determine what and how best to eat, drink, fornicate, travel and amuse themselves.


This is closely connected with the role elitism assigns to sex. The role is unnatural and its consequences are deadly -- not only in the life of individuals, also in the life of nations. The number of nations which are not reproducing themselves and are on the way of depopulating themselves out of existence, to die out, is a clear proof of it.


No matter how fast the depopulation program proceeds, it inevitably results in a demographic defeat for the nations which are the originators and upholders of Western culture: the nations of Europe and of North America. Their proportion of the world population in 1950: 22.2%, in 1990: 14.6%, in 2050: 8.2%. This demographic basis is too small to protect its own culture, much less can it impose it on the 91.8% of the rest of the world or radiate its own values to it.




This spells failure to the project of imposing a universal elitist culture globally. It may succeed in creating an all-pervasive anomie in large parts of the world, but not gain acceptance of its own values -- the same fate which befell the communist attempt to replace national and religious traditions of the people under its rule by its own ideology. 


A homogenized universal civic religion is self-defeating also in another respect: by stifling or preventing differentiation and selection, it stops evolving and stagnates, and because change is the basic property of nature, it degenerates. It is perceptibly becoming a mass culture centering on sex and on moronic entertainment


Elitism destroys democracy by removing entire areas of public life from the decision making power of the citizens. The multiplication of "inalienable human rights" through international bodies and their incorporation in national legal systems through international treaties transfers matters connected with such proliferating "human rights" and their interpretation from legislatures to courts -- democracy degenerates from the rule of the people, by the people and for the people into government by judges. Reliance on appointed and independent commissions of experts and "experts" funded by the public treasury removes wide areas of social life, from art to medical care, from the purview of elected bodies and from the influence of the people. Democracy withers through apathy of citizens who recognize that their votes have no impact on the way the state and society are going and who realize or suspect that they are not furnished reliable and objective information for their decision-making.


The rise and consolidation of the elitist movement brought about a situation in which very elements of evolution are eliminated and avenues for proper transformation of potentialities into actualities are being closed. This constitutes an abandonment of development and adoption of entropy, an option for nothingness.


Let Future Generations Decide their Destiny


One part of the emerging new bio-balance is that man regulates nature and not the reverse. The question is now how is man to regulate nature. The answer in harmony with nature and the direction of natural development is: in the interest of the survival and growth of his own species and through it of life, but not otherwise -- nature does not know destruction of life for comfort or fun. Which brings up the subject of overpopulation and the assertion that natural resources are not sufficient to support a steadily growing number of people with their rising consumption levels and that a resulting expansion of industry destroys nature.


The development of technology proves the fallacy of this assertion. It is estimated that life expectancy until the Middle Ages was between twenty and thirty years. In the last two centuries, Western civilization increased it to 72 years and its advances in agriculture, sanitation and medicine exported to the rest of the world increased the life expectancy of its inhabitants by up to twenty years. This was made possible by a progress of technology whose achievements the elitists are laboring to undo. Yet policies which artificially restrict humanity's growth lead to a society which is at first static, then stagnant and ultimately fallen apart.


Earth contains a practically unlimited quantity of metals; moreover, their recycling and replacement by other materials reduces their usage. As to agriculture, it is impossible to claim shortage of foods while agricultural production is artificially restricted and its "surpluses" in various ways destroyed. The same applies to sources of energy: the heat from the core of the planet and the radiation from its sun are only two among many unused and almost limitless sources of energy. Nor is handling of waste beyond man's capacity to solve it; a being capable of producing chemical damage to the ozone layer is capable also of reversing the process. The problem is rather that the ingenuity of the human race, its technology is directed towards producing more and more luxury for the part of humanity that already lives in

affluence and not towards the task of serving mankind as a whole. At present, production is geared towards increasing the standard of living which in turn is understood as an unceasing increase of consumption and comfort even at the cost of depleting accessible natural resources. To continue in this direction is indeed suicidal  -- because it is contrary to nature and its meaning. It is truly a Civilization of Death. The solution is not to restrict industry, the solution is in changing its direction. A civilization in harmony with nature, i.e., guided by nature's tendencies and laws, will direct its efforts towards the greatest growth of humanity by tapping unused resources, discovery of new materials, utilization and protection of renewable resources, placing environmentally damaging plants on artificial satellites, breaking into interplanetary sources of materials and energy and other options technically feasible but neglected because they do not bring profit, and therefore are neglected in the present state of civilization. Technology is at the threshold of even greater breakthroughs and advances; technology is power, and power can be used for good or detrimental purposes according to the decisions of those who wield it.


Humanity is not too big for Earth -- Earth is becoming too small for Man. Visibly, Man is outgrowing the confines of the planet of his origin. To achieve it might be the task for future generations. It will be a difficult task. The present generation's task is to bring them forth, to grant them their life, to give them a chance. If allowed to live, they will find a way. No generation has the right to deprive its progeny of the opportunity to solve their difficulties and to continue the achievements reached by their predecessors, to live and give life.


Meaningful or Meaningless


This evaluation speaks about the meaning of the universe, the purpose of a life force, the aims of nature. More and more, science inclines to the conclusion that the universe originated, by a Big Bang, from a cosmic egg in which the laws of nature were pre-programmed, and that the cosmos plays out this program. But meaning, purpose and aim can originate only from a being possessing intelligence and will outside of the universe and outside of nature, a being which created the cosmos and gave it a purpose and meaning. This "Being" is Life; to deviate from its purposes means the loss of life. In his freedom, man can do it, politics can prefer entropy to evolution and embrace nothingness  A sad outcome that would be for the great experiment of the mind which conceived and created the universe. Man can believe he can choose between life and death; he would find out that he can chose only between existing out of time in darkness or in light.